Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Is The Difference Between A Full Head Of

Where I once started to

Now where did I first tried out this great Rock section, I would like another stitch. This time, one for Lisa.

There goes the cut only up to size 134 / 140, I had to enlarge it for now. Was not a problem. Finally I have added only at the sides a bit.

the t-shirt is created from the remains. For a long time Lisa had wanted a shirt with a large peace symbol. I simply made up a whole bunch of glittering points. Lisa was thrilled.

Since she has plenty of long sleeve shirts in the closet, I made a short-sleeved top. Nor can even carry among them a little long-sleeved.

I am afraid of the Corduroy what I have to order again. I find that it fits absolutely perfectly with my T-shirt Rose . It looks like after a Romo for me :-) I had tried to talk to Lisa from the substance, but did not work.

pattern: Gitta and Insa of farbenmix


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