Monday, February 21, 2011

Cramps In Pms And In Pregnancy-difference


He was the 2003 "Democratic Socialism" be deleted from the program, he has done Schroeder's detailed work, now he has won with 48.3% of the absolute majority in Hamburg, the CDU 21.9%, with the Greens 11.2%, FDP 6.6% and the Communists with 6.4%.
Following the departure of the social democratic SPD-Dudek Beust (he was tired, so his resignation as mayor) is the solid Scholz certainly not a bad choice. However, it would the even stronger CDU candidate Ahlhaus probably been the one, who is also a slightly stronger party would have been behind. A CDU-FDP coalition would have even Beust's magnificent project must "Elbe Philharmonic Hall" would pay, but the crime rate of the city further down (so that they had advertised), and also for a realistic education policy, this coalition would have been better. The
but apparently the masses of voters not moved much.
encouraging the re-entry of the FDP to the city council with 9 seats.
summarize: Von Beust to Scholz can be seen as improvement for a more realistic Hamburg politics.


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