Sunday, February 6, 2011

For What Purposes Susten 300 Used?

Bochum - 06:02:11
Dresden block - the right way
Blockade training in student union of the Ruhr-University

On Wednesday, the 9th February at the AStA instead of the Ruhr-University from 16.00 -21.00 clock a blockade training. The invitation reads: "The concept of non-violent mass blockade has in recent years not only gained attention, but just get in actions against Nazi parades great successes. Antiislamisierungskongress both the 2009 and the Nazi march in Dresden 2010, several thousand people through peaceful blockades prevent the manifestations of the Nazis. Also this year it's on 19 February again: to prevent Nazi march in Dresden! Of recent events, we therefore offer you an intensive five-hour workshop about the opportunity To learn the concept of non-violent mass blockades of Nazi rallies. Block-How!

At the workshop we will explain not only the theory of blocking concepts, but they also shared through role playing virtually einüben.Das seminar is aimed at people who play for the first time with the idea to participate in protest actions against Nazi rallies, but also people who have often been active here and in front of Dresden again want to prepare with practical exercises. Quick decisions can schedule also at the workshop a joint trip to Dresden.
course, all are welcome on 19 February failed to Dresden can drive, but still would like to participate in a training block.

... and ÄKTSCHN!

the workshop you will learn what it means to be Nazi march in Dresden, and why it is important to block it. To prepare ourselves practically to the blockade,
we will form affinity groups and methods of practice, how to get into groups, even under time pressure, make quick joint decisions. This includes a knowledge of proper behavior, proper clothing and equipment to blockades and demonstrations. In our "Äktschn" Part of the fun is not too short if we practice in role-playing typical practical stalemates. You will learn the 5-finger approach, which we reach our blockade points and how we conduct ourselves and carry away practical Steh-/Sitzblockaden where appropriate, be.

are also we deal with the question of legality and legitimacy of blockages. For this we look at the relevant paragraphs and current judgments and explain the concept of solidarity and anti-repression.

get pleasure?

Then come on Wednesday, 9 February, the student union of the Ruhr-University Bochum. Think about clothes that are suitable to the evacuation enact a sit-in. The workshop is for you completely free of charge.

Please register by mail: Not
questions about the show or the program? ! Send us an email "
Source: bo-alternatively, 04:02:11


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