Monday, February 21, 2011

Has Mirtazepine Worked

Bochum - 21:02:11
Young anti-fascists from Bochum Nazis do the craft Send

For about three years, the Anti-Fascist Youth of Bochum right is mobilizing against intrigues.

you are young, they are angry and they are against Nazis. The 19-year-old Nicole and 18-year-old Kevin (last name of the editor) feel they belong to the "Anti-Fascist Youth Bochum (AJB). Three years ago, as people were offended in the field of honor on this "Thor Steinar-Laden" at the Oskar-Hoffmann-Str. "That was the time when we have become active," says Kevin. "We" are young people aged between 15 and 30.
Not like a party or a club organized the group. Many of them are students Bochum, like Nicole and Kevin. Your Newspaper Association is the Internet. On sites like linksunten.indymedia they exchange ideas. Via telephone chains to mobilize if necessary in minutes ten, twenty people: "We are the Nazis just the laces gone, "says Kevin. Nicole agrees, and speaks of "legitimate targets".

National Security observed the goings

sounds like a left-wing language, which used the 68 once and zurechtdrechselten the Bader-Meinhof group and later the RAF to verschwurbelten pamphlets. "We have nothing to do," say the two students and are nevertheless sure you want to publicly make a difference.

Specifically, the case of the sit-in against the so-called right-wing populists of the vigil Pro.NRW 26th March at the Hattinger Street got in on the AJB. They were always active when it is about to disrupt information stands of the NPD and other right groups.

The National Security watches the bustle that sometimes moves at the very edge of legality, carefully. The police intervene when are blocked as in the demonstration against the Pro-NRW activists streets. Borderline were the publication of wanted posters with photographs and detailed information on the web.

fell In particular, the now indicted 19-year-old NPD activist for his alleged actions obscure in recent months to target the anti-fascist people. "The guy is dangerous," believe Nicole and Kevin. As has now filed charges show that the two young leftists could be right.

"reject violence against people, we expressly"

The goal of the young people who use specific claims to the modern media in order to inform each other and exchange information, be it the right structures smash "violence against persons, we reject it expressly," said Nicole.

seem to violence against things, but not impossible. Although they do not talk about their respective specific investments, they still welcome actions like those of November last Year in which previously unknown perpetrators head of the war memorial in separating Langendreer.

In their press releases, the AJB in the past had dealt extremely critical of the conduct of the police. Concretely about the now-accused 19-year-old who is called by its full name (which we do not). "Otherwise, the Bochum state can protect the young pyromaniac act quite freely. The AJB believes this is outrageous, in light of the fact that he always performs a gas gun with him "
. Source: The West, 21:02:11


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