Saturday, February 19, 2011

Asking Money Your Birthday

dumplings with sausage quotations

From left: Germanic and Arabic scholar Walid Abd El Gawad, Eg. Small businessman, Koptenbischof Anba Damian, Gunter Reichwein (Dt.-Isr. Ges), Aleksandra Meyer-Hubbert (Jemen-Beob.), Moderator Dirk Ansorge

The Catholic Academy in Wolfsburg Mülheim / R held on 16.2.11 a current evening for the operations in Egypt.
the Egyptians. Orientalist Walid Abd El Gawad (32), a doctoral student at the University of Leipzig ("Acceptance and differentiation strategies in the Islamic discourse in Egypt in the 20th Century"), DAAD Prize winner, was impressed by the demonstrations and was convinced that now the Democracy in Egypt to begin. As Eg. Contemporary sources, he called his mother and brother. granted on request he one that the Muslim Brotherhood is present everywhere, but lost its influence.

The Koptenbischof Damian, leader of the Copts in Germany, spoke of the martyrs of the Christian church in Egypt, the constant attacks would be exposed without the murderers would be sentenced. On the Tahrir Square, there was one thing in common with the Muslims, they had protected themselves against each other.

Gunter Reichwein by the German-Isr. Society especially acknowledged the policy of peace Mubarak. The Israeli government hoped that Egypt does not go back to the old war policy.

The Bochum orientalist KATARZYNA ALEKSANDRA MEYER Hubbert finally introduced to Yemen before tribes territory without central government and made no hope that this could change.

An economist was not represented on the podium, although it would never come to these demonstrations without the extreme young graduate unemployment. When I asked how many of the young unemployed of the rapid population increase jobs could be created, there was no answer.

- Well, fine: "Islamic they should be.
Egypt's first constitution reformer Tariq al-Bischri could show the way the Arab countries. The desire for freedom The Egyptians needed before it can be implemented in democratic politics of the day, be enshrined in a new constitution ... Tarek al-Bischri brings against Iran sympathy but also because of Tehran 'aggression' Israel oppose ... "FAZ 17.2.11
With his 77 years thinks the chairman of the Constitutional Reform Commission as youthful as a 20-year Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.


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