Saturday, February 26, 2011

Earwax From After A Shower


showed me my seal the image about 1 hour
Yesterday at work I could tell as the eyes slightly red and itchy again, but were the evening I was with my 2.Chef the 1.Chef ( which mega was happy) and got his eyes barely auf.Aber the was probably because there was smoke as stupid and not noticing the air for me was almost the only Nichtraucherin.Schnief. My
2.Chef, that W. said it had dry eyes when they keep giving moisture to the outside. He was told at its 3 laser eye appointments. Ok, but look so thick and dry red from the eyes, or conjunctivitis, as indeed the horror said a doctor in the emergency clinic? So now I have
own research and see there, it's true what my W said. Have a page displayed in the photos are the eyes and also look so awful.
Dry eyes. The doctor gave me a good horror against it with what is given. Grandad. My eyes are the worst for me next to my Figur.Wenn one of two things not ok then good songwriter grausam.Na my teeth and hair and so on, so really there is nothing so beautiful if not well ist.Grins ..
I am now once again the drops which it has given me and hope hilft.Wenn appears more do I have what I think, because I will not often run about!! Otherwise, it was

nice. Everyone said I looked great (looking forward looking forward looking forward) and who are also pleased that I am still in Switzerland. Nice to see a people again and again, even by name, although we only had 5.5 weeks to do what with each other.
we went down to the bar and worked as a Berlinerin.Hihi Witzig.
It's Carnival, so Carnival, for extra ladies come from somewhere else, because the do not make the Swiss do a lot of skin and little money, but for Austria Eicher inside or German, it seems a lot of money will be offered the one for de short-time work.
also have the gut.Wir have worked against most of 14h to 4h and have just have one day in the 5.5 weeks off gehabt.Die Women now once a week free and I want to know not at what the bekommen.Heul of coal ..
Well, definitely songwriter always nice to see us again and remember to replace the welcome ist.Werde go out again Saturday NEN, we Tel.Nr.aus (from Berlin and I) so we will then get away can if I'm in Berlin.
so beautiful you Sunday, I now go to the photo museum sponsored child and family.

What makes you so?


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