Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ta Annealing Temperature Calculator

Good newspapers he reads!

contrast, a doctoral can not really anstinken!
wholesale eagle eye needs no citations, but it is not his own feathers.
Image: Duckipedia / Ducklair

- "Who's the loser, for the scorn not to worry."
Old folk wisdom, author unknown.
Who wants to add anything useful is difficult to have it. He must already be a light, but where are the majority only candelabra.
The doctors were probably the first a solution to the dissertation problem: the so-called "flying leg Count", the list of how many patients a specific operation had survived, how many do not. Provided with a conjecture for the one case or another. The written most of the long centuries from Galen. It was practical, not cost a lot of time and helped to head an opulent jewelry and business card.
The doctors are largely stuck to this recipe, well camouflaged by corrupted form of Latin.
But the professionalization and modernization, it made the other faculties much more difficult. They came good in the Age of Goethe from ten or dissertation, there are now like 400 pages.
This is not from without copying, repetition and wild drivel. The research talents are as rare as formerly, they could keep up with the rapid growth in student numbers is not. How could this go? And one should not forget that some talents drivel still only intelligent life. If
now seems to come out, that gentleman Guttenberg doctoral work has not so noble, but acted so smart as it looks, may wonder who it? Baron was the extrovert ever the impression of an introverted scientist? Of course not, it was about the headdress and the business card; bonnets in big-style eagle eye do not fit on small cards.

How can you tell? Guttenberg himself should commit themselves to this youthful indiscretion, the man is still not in the Minister's age, and hang the tittle of the nail, or better still, to auction off the "Götterdämmerung" Wagner in Bayreuth in the audience. Proceeds to which a handsome headdress is of no use to those who hold out their head in Afghanistan.

- The red Cora is not as red:
> New book about Angela Merkel
She reminds me of Erich Honecker
She wanted to "Angie", a "clear language" and "bold reform programs". She got a "indecisive mom. The author and Merkel voter Cora Stephan about her book
/ / /
MUTTI is the wrong term for a power-horny, crazy, air and unlimited opportunistic woman.


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