Thursday, February 24, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax Charlia

Essen - 24.02.11
NPD plans "vigil" in Steele

The NPD has for Saturday 26 February, a "vigil" on the Grendplatz logged in Steele. The campaign carries the slogan "Millions of residents cost us billions." Peace activists demand the police to act.

The NPD has for Saturday 26 February, a "vigil" on the Grendplatz logged in Steele, 15 to 17 clock. The report, the "Essen Peace Forum," the "Association of Essen peace initiatives". The action of the NPD with the slogan "Millions Foreign cost us billions. " The police confirmed the operation on Thursday. The Peace Forum calls on the police in an open letter, to prevent "all legal means" to the demo.
Source: The West, 24.02.11


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