Monday, February 21, 2011

Third Birthday Invitation Quotes

Dortmund - 21:02:11
anti-racism concert: According to Stark law

On Friday night it was loud in church Linder Bert-Brecht Gymnasium - and "LOUD! Against racism. " Following this credo pilgrims, some 200 attendees to a concert that should have probably exceeded some expectations.

The characteristics of the school environment due consideration, made clear right at the beginning Sebastian23 Moderator to know what that was all about, "We are not only against Nazis, but also against racists. In addition, there is no smoking in here. So should you have one . Is to see smoking, racist Nazi tells him that he smoke outside and remember to change kindly his mind "

make fun around this lofty goal for all those present, gave themselves four bands all the credit for making the beginning while" The Purple Bananas "with energizing the pop-punk inspired directly. They were followed by "Another Systematic Mess, who were able to convince especially with her sophisticated songwriting.

audience merged into one unit

came as the third band before the actual headliner of the evening "Sold As Great" on the stage, they before 21.30 clock for the heroes of the evening again admitted: "Susan Blech", six-piece electro-punk band from Dusseldorf and is currently in the selection of echo-after-show party, did we forget that in the same room in which they dance to have traveled fans to applied, usually high school exams are written.

It grew two things that seemed really inconsistent, to form a unique experience: The powerful stage show of the band and school-familiar type of space could - in reference to the eponymous song of Düsseldorf - the feeling of a "Dance in Separée pay. Band and audience were in the heat the show to a perfect union merged.

650 € from the ticket sale will go into action Courage

But not only the appearance of "Susan Blech" made the evening a success: The funding from the city of Dortmund and in particular provided free of charge system of the Dortmund stage equipment rental B & B made sure that all of the proceeds will be donated from the ticket sales of around 650 € to the action Courage.

The money can thus turn other events against racism can be realized. The approximately 200 guests and the four bands finally put a loud Stand against racism in Dortmund. A new edition of the concert next year is therefore probably nothing in the way
Source: Ruhr Nachrichten, 21:02:11


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