Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is It Ok To Wear Socks To Pilates

Dortmund - 15:02:11
is loaded with photos manipulated

The Ruhr Nachrichten reported on 5 February on a residents' meeting on resettlement of refugees in the field in Dortmund-Greven Dicks Lütgendortmund. The NPD was present and was undisturbed secrete their racist propaganda. A local resident protested against it - see the photo. Nevertheless, wrote the WATCH NEWS - editorial under the photo: "Thanks to professional conversation, the discussion remained at the town meeting objective in spite of great emotion." The neighbor protested with a letter to the Nazis, poor communication skills and lies in the caption. But WATCH NEWS refused is to print the letter.
Here also the declaration of the alliance between Dortmund and right to the town meeting.

The letter to the neighbor for manipulating Caption:

At the district Editorial

I feel by the photo in connection with the m. E. falsifying header and in my personal rights violated and urge you, therefore, to publish the following correction in its proper place:

The photo was taken, as the NPD functionary, who introduced himself as such, can claim, took "all citizens" to speak. I pointed to him and said, "Not in my name!" So highly thought of by you, says non-political leader had previously been given several NPDIern the opportunity to present their ideas in detail brown. The organizers did not react. My reaction was referring so far on the topic of the event, but that of traveling in a large group NPD such a forum was necessary. This must all be upset.


The declaration of the Alliance Dortmund against the right to the town meeting:

Recently, neo-Nazis used a town hall meeting during the planning of communal accommodation of refugees and asylum seekers in Lütgendortmund to spread anti-immigrant demagoguery.

not criminalize refugees! Neo-Nazis do not give room!

people flee from their home countries in Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe, war and persecution, poverty, hunger and desperation to escape. Many of them are children and young people. Thousands a year lose their lives on the run. They drown in the Mediterranean, thirst in the desert or fall into the hands of criminals who take away their savings for the escape and helpless behind. The finally arrive at us, on the run most experienced bad.

Accommodation of people in homes instead of barracks, the technical and human security for the protection of refugees, education and leisure activities by social workers and Youth in the right place!

Politics and Government would do well to counter prejudices and fears in the population with early education and comprehensive information in town hall meetings and round tables. Unbearable and literally however, it is highly dangerous if notorious neo-Nazis in such town meetings mix and secrete their racist propaganda can. You, and not those seeking protection, here are the criminals! The organization of round tables and town meetings are urged to include in their invitations a disclaimer, the neo-fascists refused to participate!
Source: VVN NRW, 15:02:11


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