Wednesday, February 23, 2011

International Bmi Stats

The sheep were there!

doubled In this cold snowball Runzelblättrige of the number of his wrinkles

minus 6 degrees C at night, by day increasing up to 1 ° C - does not yield the winter. Heating costs to rise. Did not the British weather service also predicted a mild winter this time? For the third consecutive year, For the third time wrong. What may be the reason for this slowdown?
The archive is a hint:
In Australia there are sheep, lots of sheep, millions of sheep. The breathing is not only carbon dioxide, no, even worse, they burp. They burp methane! Greenhouse gas!
Why have scientists been vaccinated against methane bacteria, which reduced the Treibhausrülpser in their effect by 8%! ("Researchers sheep vaccinated against Methangasrülpser", FAZ 22.06.2004)
This is behind the cold winters (and summers!) In a row.
Who, please, submit it to the vets craft?

If my contribution to this year's carnival.

- EU Commission: The Carnival uh, climate change will cost € 270 billion annually (FAZ 17.2.11)


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