Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gravitational Field From A Cube

spirit of Islam

. (Reclamausg. p. 64.)

Koptenbischof Anba Damian - see blog February 19, 2011

(Fig. Cwindusks / wiki.) (

Egypt in Late Antiquity, Christian - left the Copts are like this, they regard themselves as the "original inhabitants", as the heirs of the pharaohs. In the seventh century, Islamic Arabs conquered not only Jerusalem, but also all other Christian countries in the region and largely destroyed the preexisting culture and language, including in Egypt. The land was Arab and Islamic.

Like everywhere under Islam, Christians are oppressed and persecuted. Again and again displaced and attacked with bomb attacks. The latest massacre took place in Cairo, the Coptic New Year.
After the overthrow Mubarak hoped the Copts on a turning point.

Now Anba Damian had in a letter to the Catholic Academy Wolfsburg announce that his Egyptian home monastery had been attacked with firearms. The defensive wall was then built was razed by the army, a priest was shot dead, one injured and abducted several others.

- It was once in Germany
Muslim must not allow beer bottles

cbu. FRANKFURT, 24 February 11 Muslim employees may refuse to work with alcoholic beverages. But they may only be terminated if the employer can not find other employment for them. This has the Federal Labour Court on Thursday and decided to refer the case of a store clerk returned to the State Labor Court of Schleswig-Holstein. ... Put in the fresh department, where he, however, because of the cool temperatures was sick several times. When he should be restored to the beverage department, he refused with a reference to his religious freedom. The Koran forbids him any use of alcohol ... "FAZ, 02.25.2011

The issues are:
Should not the special jurisdiction of labor courts repealed
If the termination right does not extend much
Should not strictly on immigration? economic usefulness be changed?
Is it a coincidence that It is not a single Muslim country that has developed its own merits without emasculation of the Imams (Turkey, Atatürk)?


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