Saturday, February 26, 2011

Missed Period And Increased Cervical Mucus

Ruhr - 26.02.11
NPD - The Hogfather through the Ruhr area

, Bochum, Essen and Dortmund NPD had in May of last year founded a so-called "national Ruhr axis." In order to try the three district associations collect their relatively low staffing levels and to support each other.
Last Saturday the 26th February was her appearance in Essen Steele has become known via WAZ. And so there were also some anti-fascists, to receive the Nazis. According to NPD, "a deep hatred possessed by crowds of young anarchists left.

What had happened was not known, the fact that the NPD would also occur in Lütgen-Dortmund and Bochum-Langendreer.
First, the NPD rushed in the morning in Dortmund against the accommodation of refugees in the upcoming "Greven Dicks field" in the district Lütgendortmund. Much to report they had not at the market in Lütgendortmund because at the same time also made local initiatives on site advertising for the accommodation of refugees.

From there it went to Bochum. It chose the little brown troop Langendreer the office to be set up. This was certainly not because of the large pedestrian crowds at this location. There are in Bochum in Bochum-Langendreer other places. But that seems to shun the Bochum NPD from experience. When choosing the Langendreer Office it was her aware of the proximity to Langendreer war memorial that it has so to their hearts. This flag had been hoisted. Motto was there: "No, not a minaret in the Asylum Home to Bochum.
protest in Essen-Steele
the early afternoon It was then in Essen-Steele "millions stranger to cost us billions!". Well, it should be assumed that the brown Gurkentruppe strained the nerves of all bystanders and no more.

present were at the NPD Hogfather Dortmund NPD city council Axel Thieme and the Dortmund NPD group chairman, Matthias Wächter, the Bochum city council member Claus Cremer, the assessor of the Bochum NPD District Association Markus Schumacher and the NPD's youth officer Andre Room, the City Council member Marc Haliti of food and other incorrigible.
Source: Links below - indymedia, 28.02.11


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