Sunday, February 20, 2011

Japanese Woman Gettin Grouped On A Train

smiles What do the so-not-what? No reasons

You have to go position with him when he zickt, you have nothing to laugh about. To think more so for his affectations to pressure to get rid of them. Even if he throws a stick into thinking gear with broken leg, comes with heart attack - it costs that devours time and sometimes the little soul to it.
So, he like so have its quirks, from breakfast to have to sleep in a loud strange habits - we get on well with him and brush him and even the teeth, our alter ego, our old friend, enemy of the body.

- Another little cup? : theophylline, one of the degradation products of caffeine, but probably also avoid caffeine itself that it fully functional organ tissue turns into useless, scar-tissue "coffee, not only for the sake of the liver, Lenzen-Schulte, FAZ 01.30.2008

-. 30 seconds back and hersehen increases the retention by 10%, brit researchers. That might well be caused by the relaxation effect. (Focus 20/07)

- sport is healthy and keeps us fit: "A number of accidents on Swiss ski slopes, the surgeons operate around the clock." NZZ 12.2.11


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