Sunday, February 6, 2011

Signs When A Scorpio Man Loves You

What a great weather

bore out what a great weather there. You can walk without a jacket and the sun warms you.
I wanted to see NEN monastery, but I better today with my Ma Tel, has the erledigt.Grummel. Next week I will definitely be too lazy or the weather does not play we mit.Sxchauen times ;-)))
It is gorgeous out there, I'm tired but time, think there is something ... I slumber times after my mountains of Chocolate and türk.Pizza ;-)))

Addition: NEN Had conversation with my Ma. She asked me if she can ask my father, he still gives her 50 € more. I
she asked if she could imagine as he nibbled now because of the payments for them.
I told her that he has terminated almost all kjündigen what he could in order to get money and that they should please do not forget what you need to live in Berlin and I have made my salary in Berlin for example. Hats, you understand and read. In the end it seemed the thought of being unpleasant.
The whole thing, they charged, I've heard out, but good, because it must durch.Hat even enough people to get around.
how I am interested in them for weeks, but I do not care, she finished first at the ears.
Today I have extremely gegessen.Mehr of boredom and because I durfte.Aber honestly, my tastes not at all actually so much more. Will dispose of it safely and still a lot less next Sunday as a nibble heute.Das was already Völlerei.Hihi


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