Saturday, February 5, 2011

Vounteer Confirmation Letter


Now I was in and got what Aphotheke bekommen.Morgen against allergy should be gone, if not from zuim doctor. They said I should always back because I'm from and I have to vision problems and if there is something in the air at work what I do not tolerate it may be that the cornea is attacked., If the should be, then I encourage same assay to work that the air is considered as a relief teacher had that and your in it was extreme, with inflamed nerves and I want so.Das nicht.Ich search ing the past doctor out and then go with hin.Wieder Kohle.Ich habs ja.Heul .. yes yes health comes first!
Well no matter, here today were 11 degrees and tomorrow is even warmer werden.Man because I'm looking forward to go out into the morgen.Yippieh ..
Have just ordered from Yves The times I had ne mascara gift and I must say I'm acting begeistert.Meine eyelashes have länger.Ich yet so short a few.
Na and additonally there ne other variety, NEN eyeliner eye shadow is the same.
Your will ne Clock, NEN NEN Lippenstift.Hehe ring and I have to pay far and delivery are also gratis.Na so let ego like me :-)
Otherwise, I'm good sparsam.Will yes finally move this year.
Today is ne hammer home in it, unfortunately when I visit arbeite.Schade


Today is yes Sündentag (every Sunday) and there: drinking
roll with chocolate coins, Toffifee, chips and cheese dip

course, normal food like fruit and vegetables.
My balance today:
60.8 kg
I finally fell on the same charge I had at the beginning and was always a kilo more away, even though there was. Currently, I have fallen in real: 5.8 pounds

Freu looking forward looking forward
The sun is shining and it will surely NEN great day, if not for the dates would be forced ...


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