Sunday, February 20, 2011

Need Good Sms To Know Born My Baby


Well today the weather is something to be desired, but I wanted to do anyway NEN Faulitag.
Today yes Sunday and thus WIEGETAG!
59.4 = -6.5 kg
crazy how this is how, well, I'm happy mich.Yeah!!

Yesterday I went to work for my foot pocket, we have eaten chicken with salad and dessert gabs NEN Weight Wtchers pudding.
We were bullet saturated and ate really delicious calories. Schleck
Then we were playing billiards. It was balanced, but sometimes I'm amazed what I can do there for kicks. 4 balls in a row and holed so.Aber also often played well all around then without Berührung.Lach

in my Lieblingsbar.Leider it was still early and the place is not full, not with older, because when we came were because our parking ticket expired and hurt her feet.
What can I say, it is becoming boring with her ticking irgendwie.Sie just anders.Für they songwriter probably good if they can and sit for me when I move kann.Naja was still "nice"
is today done nothing other than the :-) Na essentials
well painted, I also again

favor me tuts not quite, but no matter, it has calmed ;-)))

And melly assessment?


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