Friday, February 11, 2011

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Ruhr - 11:02:11
published documentaries about Nazis

After the Anti-Fascist Duisburg coordination and documentation Antifa Eating on the Nazi scene in their cities were published, now moves to the Antifascist Union Dortmund .

The brochure, entitled " Dortmund states - Structures, actors and developments of the extreme right in 2010 " Both "free comradeship scene" and the parliamentary rights treated. In addition, several key issues set: This issue covers a summary description of the development of Dortmund's neo-Nazi scene in the last ten years also more deeply with their structures. One part of the local neo-Nazi meeting point, the "National Centre" at the Rheinische road and on the other resistors of the right mail order, which is the head of the Dortmund neo-Nazi scene, Dennis Giemsch operated.

Here are the links to the individual documentation:


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