Friday, February 11, 2011

Spanish Busienss Sayings

Bochum - 11:02:11
? Saturday lunch next to the glass coffee:
mobilizing action for demonstration in Dresden

The Bochum Alliance campaigns against right tomorrow, Saturday from 12:00 clock - 14.00 clock on the corner Huestraße / Kortumstraße with a leaflet campaign and an information booth in the inner city for the blockade of the planned Nazi march in Dresden. 2010 it had succeeded for the first time, to prevent Europe's largest Nazi march through mass blockades.
was the basis of the success of the spectra of cross-border cooperation between Antifa groups, local initiatives and action groups, trade unions, political parties and youth organizations and numerous other organizations and individuals. With a clear announcement to stop the Nazi march through blockades, was the common Space of symbolic protest leave. The resolve of thousands of people to face with the means of civil disobedience in the way the Nazis did, the blockages to success.

This will be repeated this year. From Bochum buses to Dresden. Tickets are in action tomorrow, on Saturday available.
Source: bo-alternatively, 11:02:11


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