Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can Debt Follow Me To Australia

Bochum - 23:02:10
gets cemetery desecration in Bochum now a sequel

The graffiti at the Jewish cemetery and various memorial sites in Bochum get a sequel. The left has made a request to the State Government. The Police Advisory Board will now deal with the incident.

The swastika graffiti and the desecration of Jewish cemetery on the road Bochum in November last year the Police Advisory Board to employ its next meeting, "I think this issue should just go there," says Gabriela Schäfer (SPD), chairman of the board.

is the responsibility of the Police Advisory Board to serve it, including as a link between population, local government and police. "It will promote the relationship of trust between them to support the activities of the police approached and take suggestions and requests of the people in the police," according to the police organization law NRW. For many years Heinrich Mikus (CDU) Member: "If there is demand, there are answers," he says. For the Group, the left sits on the advisory board Vandelaar Jürgen Plagge. He also wants to know the subject being treated. At the same time ask the members of the Committee to understand that they can say anything to details. Because: "This meeting of the Police Advisory Board are not public," as in § 18 of the Police Organization Act is clear.

were requested by the left to the government

the left there, which brought the Bochum events of November on an inquiry by the State Government to Parliament. Now there's an answer from the state government to the five questions put by members Anna Conrad. The central question, what specific efforts, the authorities undertook to investigate the crime, according to the reply of the Ministry of Interior that immediate investigation by the state security had been included, since it concerns politically motivated crime.

However, from the crime scene, only the different colors used were guaranteed. "The other extensive investigations and the press call of 21 November 2010 revealed no evidence to identify suspects. "The Home Office received an answer from above in a preliminary note also that in relation to the acts had come to "have long been observable clashes between members of the 'right' and 'left' scene."

Police President will not comment

Bochum new Police President Diana Ewert would not comment on the complex around the question of the Left in parliament compared to the WAZ. "Finally, it is in the answers to those commissioned by the Ministry," a spokeswoman told.

This year, the Police Advisory Board Chairman Schaefer, had not yet met the Panel. The last meeting coincided with the introduction of the new Police President together. For March, the president would convene the next meeting.

The MEP Anna Conrad had the country in addition to ways of supporting the Bochum police by the state government to "forceful in the future to point out the dangers of neo-Nazi criminals," asked, not such a need for support leave from the request to the underlying events not derived, the Ministry replied.
Source: The West, 23:10:11


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