Friday, February 25, 2011

Send Messages To Friends About My New Baby

peculiarities free

Between Andromeda and amygdala

peculiarities free
the Galaxy travel through space
the wind blows over the earth
flush the waves the sand
change time and form

Nothing remains connected to the
and chained
gravity and DNS
let anything go
of these bands is nothing

peculiarities free thinking
the spirit
in pictures and words
regards himself as a master even
if flows through the beta wave
between frontal lobe and amygdala
flashes blue on the sea of ventricle

Wolf Doleys

Note The "amygdala" is the central hub in the feeling brain, the anterior frontal lobe cognitive functions are localized, is in the beta wave it is the vibrational excitation in the brain and the ventricles, the fluid within the brain Lichen chambers.


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