Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dressings For Caesarean Section Wounds


Who are these men blurred?
One is called by her first name Ax ... That can be seen from the projection, and it is about a debt crisis.
Yes, of course, not-Bundesbank President Axel Weber was there, in Dusseldorf, at the Academy of Sciences, he spoke yesterday to the "debt crisis in the € area: findings and conclusions".

because he delivered a sharp image?

He first confessed to the euro, without which the financial crisis is much would have been difficult to deal with. And had gone to the advantage of Germany. But he also recalled Schroeder's request to adopt a flexible attitude to the Stability Pact. With Paris, he pushed through this attitude, others followed. In order to prevent
the way to a transfer union to which it should not come, it must improve crisis prevention and the Stability and Growth Pact should be strengthened. The measures mentioned by Weber were all very obvious, reinforce equity, competitiveness improvement, involvement of private creditors, subsidiarity principle: all well and good. But Weber has to enforce a strict compliance automation in debt can? No, he could not. Why does Weber back in late April early? Because everything is on track to work hard on all of the sharpening of liability and the transfer of Union, in particular for the German and Dutch taxpayers in question is rejected by all?
The colors of the painted image of Weber unsuspected warm and beautiful, but everything was very blurry. Up to Weber's sharp cut, with whom he is separated from the Bundesbank. And that he refused all comment.

- German government debt rises to 2 trillion - Helmut Schmidt has begun - it can happen once, right?

- 440 billion Euro should be able to borrow the bailout fund for Greece and Co., the EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn says (FAZ 27.1.11) - so that we may have in the piggy bank for you!


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