Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thumb And Pinky Together Means

lose brain

Somehow songwriter strange, since I pick have to minimize ego feel my brain cells are so slow.
I keep forgetting things that just before few seconds in my head came from.
Example: my work purse. I had this morning on the couch because I did not cash in and now? Now it is not on the couch and environment, not in my bag, jacket, coat, even in the garbage I've seen. The
goes to me every day will bring. I forget what I wanted to take, wanted, or or or.
I just met today with the sponsored child and family. Since it was a stupid photo exhibition, we are only to MC and ate unsatisfactory, but delicious drink much coffee and talked. But I was tired and wanted to go then. Every Sunday after a lot of treats and to have my Musaugen I'm tired. No Ahnun g what is going on. The week I've really a lot of energy, at least so it seems to me, but Sunday is out, so I chuck everything into my toes and then I absolutely knockout. Strange. Think the Sunday chucks must reduce me, because I really exaggerating. I eat without measure, I stuff inside is bad to me as if I have the week collecting and then eat. Well somehow
Sun Stress is accumulated and when the soul is eaten dangles frustration.
Was so used to be like that but it often almost every night was like that. If so what did it do? Because I eat with gusto not. The
on what I am looking forward a week, which I am nibble with pleasure, next is just plug ...
Well I do not really know what I think of me, where I want and what makes me happy and what not. Although I do not know what
Will not even complain, because eigetnlich walk me well so far, I finally have everything I need ... I'm just tired ...


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