Monday, February 28, 2011

Give The Differant Games

update of the day

managed work
look in the mirror I'm still saving, because there was always someone stopped to tell me clearly: "Your eyes are drilling again worse!"
otherwise I have sinned again, worse maslos me, yet they are still not Kotzgesellschaft because I keep everything with me what I paid. Since I'm stealing
not worse so I have at least 1000 calories eaten too much and I hope tomorrow the sports create.
I'm dead tired and go to bed, even if it is still so early.
think either there will ne a cold or there are "only" the eyes make me so shallow.
So many words for nothing, oh but for what, your jhabt something to read.
beautiful evening you

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Epicurus in the Louvre (photo: . Eric Gaba / wiki)

"is the way being active in politics and want to have no power," says Epicurus, and: "The wise will not assume a political office, if not for some reason have to. "
(2003 survival forms, fragments, Epicurus, ed. Rainer Nickel, p. 21)

Yes, the one can certainly agree. Politics is a dubious business, and it pushed particularly the vain, ambitious, fanatical, and his imperious to politics and power.

often particularly from this point:
"For everyone who are self inn'res
not know to govern, reigned only too happy
The neighbor will ".

Goethe, Faust II, 7015ff.

The political landscape is always a bottom, politics is always an evil. This must be kept as small as possible. Indeed, there is the rule of open banditry. It has experienced since Gilgamesh.

The Epicurean and each other are also, therefore, pointed, before the election:

You must rise or fall,
You have to prevail and win
or serve and lose, suffer or triumph
anvil or hammer!
(Goethe, A Andres)

This is sometimes even for entire populations. So no one can deny all the political, without taking a big risk. But he should check exactly what it is possible and how things are, "sine ira et studio, without anger or interest, without emotion, and always the" audiatur et altera pars "connected, hearing all sides, for all what is said can be said otherwise.
feelings are vague guide, fear and anger, fear and outrage quickly seduced to poor analysis and are suitable to keep bad things to bad or even worse: a Shah, a Khomeini are.
When these days of street riots is fashionable to call even old men said: "Outraged ! You, "then, take care to resort to Epicurus perhaps, to the essays of Francis Bacon , and also to Max Weber's lecture." Politics as a Vocation "where he says:" It is quite true and a ... Basic fact of history that the final result of political action often: no, absolutely regularly, completely in unadäquatem, often stands in an almost paradoxical relationship with its original meaning "

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Owls dress

I think that Jean clothes fit really well this season. They can now take great with thick tights and long sleeve shirts, and later when it is warmer, with thinner stuff underneath.

This time I mixed different denims. Since my first Jean-dress version so well liked, I used the same tapes and the same embroidery pattern.

The dress in size 86/92 There is soon to Hoppilu .

pattern: Marieke of farbenmix
Embroidery: Owls dance of Kunterbunt design , designed by Hamburger love

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thumb And Pinky Together Means

lose brain

Somehow songwriter strange, since I pick have to minimize ego feel my brain cells are so slow.
I keep forgetting things that just before few seconds in my head came from.
Example: my work purse. I had this morning on the couch because I did not cash in and now? Now it is not on the couch and environment, not in my bag, jacket, coat, even in the garbage I've seen. The
goes to me every day will bring. I forget what I wanted to take, wanted, or or or.
I just met today with the sponsored child and family. Since it was a stupid photo exhibition, we are only to MC and ate unsatisfactory, but delicious drink much coffee and talked. But I was tired and wanted to go then. Every Sunday after a lot of treats and to have my Musaugen I'm tired. No Ahnun g what is going on. The week I've really a lot of energy, at least so it seems to me, but Sunday is out, so I chuck everything into my toes and then I absolutely knockout. Strange. Think the Sunday chucks must reduce me, because I really exaggerating. I eat without measure, I stuff inside is bad to me as if I have the week collecting and then eat. Well somehow
Sun Stress is accumulated and when the soul is eaten dangles frustration.
Was so used to be like that but it often almost every night was like that. If so what did it do? Because I eat with gusto not. The
on what I am looking forward a week, which I am nibble with pleasure, next is just plug ...
Well I do not really know what I think of me, where I want and what makes me happy and what not. Although I do not know what
Will not even complain, because eigetnlich walk me well so far, I finally have everything I need ... I'm just tired ...

Gravitational Field From A Cube

spirit of Islam

. (Reclamausg. p. 64.)

Koptenbischof Anba Damian - see blog February 19, 2011

(Fig. Cwindusks / wiki.) (

Egypt in Late Antiquity, Christian - left the Copts are like this, they regard themselves as the "original inhabitants", as the heirs of the pharaohs. In the seventh century, Islamic Arabs conquered not only Jerusalem, but also all other Christian countries in the region and largely destroyed the preexisting culture and language, including in Egypt. The land was Arab and Islamic.

Like everywhere under Islam, Christians are oppressed and persecuted. Again and again displaced and attacked with bomb attacks. The latest massacre took place in Cairo, the Coptic New Year.
After the overthrow Mubarak hoped the Copts on a turning point.

Now Anba Damian had in a letter to the Catholic Academy Wolfsburg announce that his Egyptian home monastery had been attacked with firearms. The defensive wall was then built was razed by the army, a priest was shot dead, one injured and abducted several others.

- It was once in Germany
Muslim must not allow beer bottles

cbu. FRANKFURT, 24 February 11 Muslim employees may refuse to work with alcoholic beverages. But they may only be terminated if the employer can not find other employment for them. This has the Federal Labour Court on Thursday and decided to refer the case of a store clerk returned to the State Labor Court of Schleswig-Holstein. ... Put in the fresh department, where he, however, because of the cool temperatures was sick several times. When he should be restored to the beverage department, he refused with a reference to his religious freedom. The Koran forbids him any use of alcohol ... "FAZ, 02.25.2011

The issues are:
Should not the special jurisdiction of labor courts repealed
If the termination right does not extend much
Should not strictly on immigration? economic usefulness be changed?
Is it a coincidence that It is not a single Muslim country that has developed its own merits without emasculation of the Imams (Turkey, Atatürk)?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Earwax From After A Shower


showed me my seal the image about 1 hour
Yesterday at work I could tell as the eyes slightly red and itchy again, but were the evening I was with my 2.Chef the 1.Chef ( which mega was happy) and got his eyes barely auf.Aber the was probably because there was smoke as stupid and not noticing the air for me was almost the only Nichtraucherin.Schnief. My
2.Chef, that W. said it had dry eyes when they keep giving moisture to the outside. He was told at its 3 laser eye appointments. Ok, but look so thick and dry red from the eyes, or conjunctivitis, as indeed the horror said a doctor in the emergency clinic? So now I have
own research and see there, it's true what my W said. Have a page displayed in the photos are the eyes and also look so awful.
Dry eyes. The doctor gave me a good horror against it with what is given. Grandad. My eyes are the worst for me next to my Figur.Wenn one of two things not ok then good songwriter grausam.Na my teeth and hair and so on, so really there is nothing so beautiful if not well ist.Grins ..
I am now once again the drops which it has given me and hope hilft.Wenn appears more do I have what I think, because I will not often run about!! Otherwise, it was

nice. Everyone said I looked great (looking forward looking forward looking forward) and who are also pleased that I am still in Switzerland. Nice to see a people again and again, even by name, although we only had 5.5 weeks to do what with each other.
we went down to the bar and worked as a Berlinerin.Hihi Witzig.
It's Carnival, so Carnival, for extra ladies come from somewhere else, because the do not make the Swiss do a lot of skin and little money, but for Austria Eicher inside or German, it seems a lot of money will be offered the one for de short-time work.
also have the gut.Wir have worked against most of 14h to 4h and have just have one day in the 5.5 weeks off gehabt.Die Women now once a week free and I want to know not at what the bekommen.Heul of coal ..
Well, definitely songwriter always nice to see us again and remember to replace the welcome ist.Werde go out again Saturday NEN, we Tel.Nr.aus (from Berlin and I) so we will then get away can if I'm in Berlin.
so beautiful you Sunday, I now go to the photo museum sponsored child and family.

What makes you so?

Missed Period And Increased Cervical Mucus

Ruhr - 26.02.11
NPD - The Hogfather through the Ruhr area

, Bochum, Essen and Dortmund NPD had in May of last year founded a so-called "national Ruhr axis." In order to try the three district associations collect their relatively low staffing levels and to support each other.
Last Saturday the 26th February was her appearance in Essen Steele has become known via WAZ. And so there were also some anti-fascists, to receive the Nazis. According to NPD, "a deep hatred possessed by crowds of young anarchists left.

What had happened was not known, the fact that the NPD would also occur in Lütgen-Dortmund and Bochum-Langendreer.
First, the NPD rushed in the morning in Dortmund against the accommodation of refugees in the upcoming "Greven Dicks field" in the district Lütgendortmund. Much to report they had not at the market in Lütgendortmund because at the same time also made local initiatives on site advertising for the accommodation of refugees.

From there it went to Bochum. It chose the little brown troop Langendreer the office to be set up. This was certainly not because of the large pedestrian crowds at this location. There are in Bochum in Bochum-Langendreer other places. But that seems to shun the Bochum NPD from experience. When choosing the Langendreer Office it was her aware of the proximity to Langendreer war memorial that it has so to their hearts. This flag had been hoisted. Motto was there: "No, not a minaret in the Asylum Home to Bochum.
protest in Essen-Steele
the early afternoon It was then in Essen-Steele "millions stranger to cost us billions!". Well, it should be assumed that the brown Gurkentruppe strained the nerves of all bystanders and no more.

present were at the NPD Hogfather Dortmund NPD city council Axel Thieme and the Dortmund NPD group chairman, Matthias Wächter, the Bochum city council member Claus Cremer, the assessor of the Bochum NPD District Association Markus Schumacher and the NPD's youth officer Andre Room, the City Council member Marc Haliti of food and other incorrigible.
Source: Links below - indymedia, 28.02.11

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Who makes the green, the goats eat

What the boy is sitting around here? He could still play with the football academy President!

(Gabriel Metsu, 1629-67, writing a letter a young man at the window, 1664;. Wiki)

- Again is the FAZ in the thick saublöde and high-gloss RED BULL magazine and damaged by his constipation volume the front page of the newspaper. The entertainment nonsense forces itself into every boy racer idiots not to mention the soccer players earn millions. As if the entertainment engine could not provide adequately for themselves.

other day there was Axel Weber, the outgoing Federal Reserve Chairman prematurely, even a football jersey as a gift!
presented in an academy by the academy president! For the Bochum professor team.
Let them play football if they feel like it. But they should still pursue their private nonsense behind the university and not combine it with more serious things like science.
In the introduction to Weber's lecture would have some interest, but which spread the Academy president, was particularly sporty Weber Drive, such as a young midfielder in the 2nd League circuit in the Eifel. Such agreement is part of a RED-BULL-audience at the Nurburgring.

does nothing to joke at football level for science, it is carrying more than the Abschreibenivau in science. For Weber's problem of the transfer union, which is in Germany, but also for the Euro countries by threatening this perspective, such an introduction, a trivialization.

Weber will probably have to do something better for his resignation, to connect as colleagues in soccer in the bones, he is long-distance runner.

Weber's resignation probably has close ties with his criticism to do to the Governing purchases of Greek and Portuguese government bonds, and with this new stance of the ECB towards a transfer union.
is very encouraging in this respect that Westerwelle has very clearly yesterday against the bond purchases.

- Neuronal controlled, since the professor has probably not played so much football, but more research: "... a new prosthetic arm to replace his amputated right arm. They may be more common than the prosthesis is controlled by his thoughts, not by muscle power. What exactly is his new arm, Lehman now presented at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington. He had come with his doctor. Todd Kuiken of Northwestern University Chicago presented at the meeting the latest neurally controlled prosthesis. It provides eight different movements with his hand. For example, bending, reaching, internal rotation, "FAZ 26.2.11

- If this is global warming, I do not want to know how that feels cool to PIK-Scale
"Baltic Sea froze over two-thirds" FAZ / dpa 26.2.11 "unusual ice thickness of 50-60 cm. Icebreaker in continuous use.

Burping & Nausea With Flu


Here is the Carnival costume is always a major issue . Normally, Lisa knows the end of the Carnival season always what they want to be next year.

This year, they could not choose so well. After some back and forth was clear: it is as a pirate.

the fabric store, we are not then become really find.

However, there was this mad cow spots fabric. We found both the super class. Lisa had just accidentally found this cool Glitter Cowgirl Hat. Thus, it was clear she is a cowgirl :-)

The Rock is once again my current favorite rock section Insa. For the jacket I've modified the Imke average. The T-shirt is purchased. I only cut and provided with a glittering horse.

important to carnival costumes, I always find that they are comfortable.

And as you can see, loads of costume right to dance and celebrate.

it, then you can start the party :-)

pattern: Insa of Farbenmix , Imke from the book "Sewing Clothes Kids Love" by Sabine Pollehn and Nancy Langdon

Friday, February 25, 2011

Prithviraj Chetana Mysore Mms

It says Anja on it

I have a friend who when she sees something about a person particularly good fit, says: "Everybody can stand on Anja." or "Everybody can stand on Lisa." ...

And in this case is section "Anja" on it :-) When I

have seen the first example, I was blown away and was able to yesterday's date on which it is the EBook finally gave not wait.

The cut is a stroke of genius. Actually quite simple. And you wonder why you have not come out. And that's what makes him so great.

For the bag, I finally cut my fabric owls. The basic material I chose a solid denim.

to pocket I've sewed a matching bag charm.

The bag goes into my shop .

EBook: Urshult of Gitta Gabriel


Send Messages To Friends About My New Baby

peculiarities free

Between Andromeda and amygdala

peculiarities free
the Galaxy travel through space
the wind blows over the earth
flush the waves the sand
change time and form

Nothing remains connected to the
and chained
gravity and DNS
let anything go
of these bands is nothing

peculiarities free thinking
the spirit
in pictures and words
regards himself as a master even
if flows through the beta wave
between frontal lobe and amygdala
flashes blue on the sea of ventricle

Wolf Doleys

Note The "amygdala" is the central hub in the feeling brain, the anterior frontal lobe cognitive functions are localized, is in the beta wave it is the vibrational excitation in the brain and the ventricles, the fluid within the brain Lichen chambers.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Driver Prolific V2.0.2.1


Outdoor bitter cold songwriter (at least for my tender heart),
my account yesterday was filled with the content, so that ego again was quite empty spaces for many payments and I need vacation.
garkeine I have such desire for something, but as always when the songwriter We been scheduled.
Saturday I finally striking me with my ex-boss and his wife at my 1.Arbeitgeber and Sunday I see my cuddly godson finally back again and take it with ner colorful striped tights and a Quitschgelben Jeans happy or scared? hihi
your already noted nothing new, but I wanted to give back something to the best.
you all a wonderful, stress-free weekend!!

Male Brazilian Wax Charlia

Essen - 24.02.11
NPD plans "vigil" in Steele

The NPD has for Saturday 26 February, a "vigil" on the Grendplatz logged in Steele. The campaign carries the slogan "Millions of residents cost us billions." Peace activists demand the police to act.

The NPD has for Saturday 26 February, a "vigil" on the Grendplatz logged in Steele, 15 to 17 clock. The report, the "Essen Peace Forum," the "Association of Essen peace initiatives". The action of the NPD with the slogan "Millions Foreign cost us billions. " The police confirmed the operation on Thursday. The Peace Forum calls on the police in an open letter, to prevent "all legal means" to the demo.
Source: The West, 24.02.11

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2.4-ton and 400 g paper

That was not in Hannover for Lent

- When a 2.4-ton car runs into the side of a polo or golf - which can be fatal for the small car users. With their 2 1/2- ton official car drove the conductive Kirchenfunktionärin Kässmann drunk last year during Lent at red traffic lights on a road intersection - their resignation in the severity this crime was, of course. give

The alleged lies Baron Guttenberg has labeled only paper dishonorable to 70% of the pages it is loud chewing / FAZ not indicated while websites, even the introduction begins with a unausgewiesenen long quote - with title deprivation and humiliation, he is punished - still would be a withdraw from the ministerial post an honor, for reasons of public hygiene. . Addendum 25.2: Heike Schmoll writes Guttenberg's letter to the University of Bayreuth is ("Title restitution") provided by the Ministry letterhead - that would be a bold mix of private life to this by! This man is no gentleman!
The work as a whole, Reinhard Müller in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung today, do not be so bad. If the heavy-
Kässmann offense is included with the paper-deception to a level as is done on several occasions this shall take place because of lack of differentiation, or with fraudulent intent.

- - surprising and delightful, which offers Netzt everything. Entrepreneurs and a market economy make it possible (aka capitalism).

Yesterday I almost all the old computer junk for collection placed on the street, the old LC with armored 40MB hard disk to the PowerPC 9500, 2000 (approx). Apple has taken huge prices if the price / performance ratios 1990 / 2010 considered, and still had to be rescued from by Microsoft.
But it was worth it for everyone.
took away the way the old stuff very quickly any lover, after an hour was all. With Siemens Nixdorf
and there were once German computer maker.

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My first Queenie

soon as I saw the preview section of this court, it was clear that I am sure the stitch. But how is this so stop lying, yet 'to a zillion other things.

Well I asked a friend to sew a pair of pants for her daughter. She had discovered in a fabric store this beautiful patch jeans.

The girl is something "stronger", I have followed the advice on the pattern and simply sewed a size larger. Now she has a comfortable length, is long and still growing with a time.

Since I sew most like station wagons, I have used two jerseys from my fabric stash and sew a T-shirt to do so. Of course, a short-sleeve, because I was not giving up the hope that spring is still.

Pimpen When I could not slow me so well.

When attaching the tapes I noticed once again that I've got a lot great decorative stitches on my machine. Since I was often times think about it.

Something lobe term is always good and a few stars can not of course the horses are missing :-)

all new to me: I have fabric stamping ink tried. I am totally excited and I am afraid if I do not brake, then I will regular customer at Peppauf .

pattern: Queenie from, Imke from the book "Sewing Clothes Kids Love" by Sabine Pollehn and Nancy Langdon

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can Debt Follow Me To Australia

Bochum - 23:02:10
gets cemetery desecration in Bochum now a sequel

The graffiti at the Jewish cemetery and various memorial sites in Bochum get a sequel. The left has made a request to the State Government. The Police Advisory Board will now deal with the incident.

The swastika graffiti and the desecration of Jewish cemetery on the road Bochum in November last year the Police Advisory Board to employ its next meeting, "I think this issue should just go there," says Gabriela Schäfer (SPD), chairman of the board.

is the responsibility of the Police Advisory Board to serve it, including as a link between population, local government and police. "It will promote the relationship of trust between them to support the activities of the police approached and take suggestions and requests of the people in the police," according to the police organization law NRW. For many years Heinrich Mikus (CDU) Member: "If there is demand, there are answers," he says. For the Group, the left sits on the advisory board Vandelaar Jürgen Plagge. He also wants to know the subject being treated. At the same time ask the members of the Committee to understand that they can say anything to details. Because: "This meeting of the Police Advisory Board are not public," as in § 18 of the Police Organization Act is clear.

were requested by the left to the government

the left there, which brought the Bochum events of November on an inquiry by the State Government to Parliament. Now there's an answer from the state government to the five questions put by members Anna Conrad. The central question, what specific efforts, the authorities undertook to investigate the crime, according to the reply of the Ministry of Interior that immediate investigation by the state security had been included, since it concerns politically motivated crime.

However, from the crime scene, only the different colors used were guaranteed. "The other extensive investigations and the press call of 21 November 2010 revealed no evidence to identify suspects. "The Home Office received an answer from above in a preliminary note also that in relation to the acts had come to "have long been observable clashes between members of the 'right' and 'left' scene."

Police President will not comment

Bochum new Police President Diana Ewert would not comment on the complex around the question of the Left in parliament compared to the WAZ. "Finally, it is in the answers to those commissioned by the Ministry," a spokeswoman told.

This year, the Police Advisory Board Chairman Schaefer, had not yet met the Panel. The last meeting coincided with the introduction of the new Police President together. For March, the president would convene the next meeting.

The MEP Anna Conrad had the country in addition to ways of supporting the Bochum police by the state government to "forceful in the future to point out the dangers of neo-Nazi criminals," asked, not such a need for support leave from the request to the underlying events not derived, the Ministry replied.
Source: The West, 23:10:11

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but food is really from ass ...

... but why do you need to survive the really out of order?
Why is eating like an addiction?
When I've smoked, I always had the desire for more and now I have to fight with me I do not eat just around me.
I mean I find it all the time not difficult to switch my diet, but since 2 days I have to strike the evening a Riesenbedurfnis and what to snack or just to feed carbohydrates.
I am adamant, however, the request must be Extremely Huge!
What makes you get because if you desire, but do not want to eat?
drink with ego had already tried and sports, well his retirement at some point also, when cleaning would be useful, but not in the mood, then?? 'm Looking forward to tips ...

International Bmi Stats

The sheep were there!

doubled In this cold snowball Runzelblättrige of the number of his wrinkles

minus 6 degrees C at night, by day increasing up to 1 ° C - does not yield the winter. Heating costs to rise. Did not the British weather service also predicted a mild winter this time? For the third consecutive year, For the third time wrong. What may be the reason for this slowdown?
The archive is a hint:
In Australia there are sheep, lots of sheep, millions of sheep. The breathing is not only carbon dioxide, no, even worse, they burp. They burp methane! Greenhouse gas!
Why have scientists been vaccinated against methane bacteria, which reduced the Treibhausrülpser in their effect by 8%! ("Researchers sheep vaccinated against Methangasrülpser", FAZ 22.06.2004)
This is behind the cold winters (and summers!) In a row.
Who, please, submit it to the vets craft?

If my contribution to this year's carnival.

- EU Commission: The Carnival uh, climate change will cost € 270 billion annually (FAZ 17.2.11)

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Luv Pillow

Lisa recently came and took away from me and filler material.

Then she took out the old sewing machine of my grandma.

I could not help her when threading and repair the belt, I had to crumble me.

And it kicks off.

Lisa gave me the old sewing machine to sew a pillow to my grandmother. With old sewing machine I mean a REALLY OLD machine. FOR trampling.

Apart from the fact that I'm always so thrilled when Lisa can warm up for my hobby, I was impressed and mega-proud that it has the hammer out on the machine so great.

Simplest Way To Make A Dummy

Mini success free day

In contrast of Berlin, we do not have plus degrees, but songwriter icy out there unzwar exactly like this:

After I as was shopping always I have been looking forward to my current food:

had I grant me time, but you know what? Be satisfied would be great but I can still nee 2 portions thereof essen.Grummel
But anyway I fit back into a purely my really very old favorite pants.

own which I certainly times already 7 years, I just put like ;-)

said earlier photographs of strawberries, but what should I say almost all blurred. If the eyes ...?! Hihi
Have nothing further to report except that Sunday was not adopted as bad as what the Futterei concerned, after all, there are less 100gr. Better than nothing ;-)