Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Discharge 5 Days Before Period?

may spring combination

With the great owls material I was initially quite uncertain how to use it. I think he's super nice, but not for each garment.

For my pockets I then dared to cut it.

And then I had the idea of a skirt, combined with a Westphalia materials. A matching blouse. And such a combination of patterns eulige arose.

For the skirt I have, of course, my current favorite rock cut taken. I've left it quite simply, as the Owls substance alone is an eye-catcher that way.

The blouse I have shortened. I was with this combination noticed already that the cut is too long for the skirt. There

The combination in Size 98/104 will be available soon at Hoppilu .

pattern: Insa and Hannah of farbenmix
Embroidery: Owls dance of Kunterbunt design , designed by Hamburger love


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