Gelsenkirchen - 06:03:11
No cuts PRO NRW -
Open Air Conference
No cuts the Nazis - First Anti-Fascist Open Air Conference in Gelsenkirchen against the New Year Reception PRO NRW
Under the slogan "No cuts to the Nazis' organized the SJD - Die Falken in cooperation with the Anti-Fascist Youth Coordination Gelsenkirchen (AJK) on 13/03/2011 from 11.30 clock on the Buescher-Josef-Platz an "Open Air Conference". Three short courses on the agenda:
- Current rights in NRW and Gelsenkirchen,
- "The axis of the blockades in Cologne and Dresden" and
- a Demo 1 × 1 To end
this with artistic impulses of the songwriter "Faulenza.
"It is unfortunately sad tradition that PRO active in Gelsenkirchen Horst Castle is undemocratic forces, which used the facilities of a democratic state." Said Paul, vice chairman of the SJD-Die Falken. "Nevertheless, we will not tire, each time a clear signal against stupidity and ignorance to translated. This year we want PRO Gelsenkirchen do no favors to upgrade their reception, but used the day to provide anti-fascist and democratic education. Whether Kevin G. Hauer and his companions in the castle sits
or not, is this time for the success of our action does not matter. Therefore education makes Nazis simply unnecessary. "
Besides coffee and slices for those interested there will be a series of stalls where people pick up the additional information.
The SJD - Die Falken in cooperation with the AJK invite all democratic people to join this event. For members of Nazis and people who are right-wing organizations
, no place in the event.
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