Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pokemon Heartgold Full English

Windy matter

Graphics: Wolfgang Dinstuhl / BLS

Easter surprise for Northern Germany?

"network congestion: The Trigger

comes from Winand Peter Dorff
February 28, 2011 FAZ Soon Easter This is one of those damn holidays faced Neldner is afraid because when Easter Sunday will be windy and warm... threatens the collapse of the Power supply in East Germany. The protection of the power supply is Neldner job. He is technical director of a company called 50Hertz transmission, only known by the initiated. Their popularity could grow but suddenly when the lights go out over a large area. Then people would quickly learn that the 50Hertz Transmissions GmbH manages the high voltage grid, on which East Germany in Hamburg and 18 million people, countless factories, offices, agencies - and hang the federal government. ... "


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