Monday, March 7, 2011

Ideasformaking A Beautifullohri

Shimmers and explodes like

In Tunisia it to ordinary people's material, at best - the quoted figures (per capita income $ 4160 in Tunisia to $ 2,771 in Egypt, and $ 2,868 in Morocco) to confirm appearances. If it still gave the first protests in Tunisia, it is because there the unemployment of young graduates as well as in Egypt is particularly high - students are very willing to protest. The graduate unemployment is combined with the 'Islamic-statist, corrupt, nepotistic-oriental-despotic mode of production', in which the sheikhs were always fabulously rich, at the beginning of the Tunisian protests was an unemployed graduate, who burned themselves after him, the trade office, the unauthorized sale of vegetable cart was confiscated, which he supported himself and his family.

in Egypt with the toll-free education there is also an oversupply of graduates, who earn less often, therefore, as a craftsman, which are needed.
Why (The chances are unequally distributed, FAZ 7.3.11) Hermann here of the socialist theme of "unequal distribution" is where it is a 'bladder training' is, aggravated by the high Muslim birth rate remains the secret of author.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Discharge 5 Days Before Period?

may spring combination

With the great owls material I was initially quite uncertain how to use it. I think he's super nice, but not for each garment.

For my pockets I then dared to cut it.

And then I had the idea of a skirt, combined with a Westphalia materials. A matching blouse. And such a combination of patterns eulige arose.

For the skirt I have, of course, my current favorite rock cut taken. I've left it quite simply, as the Owls substance alone is an eye-catcher that way.

The blouse I have shortened. I was with this combination noticed already that the cut is too long for the skirt. There

The combination in Size 98/104 will be available soon at Hoppilu .

pattern: Insa and Hannah of farbenmix
Embroidery: Owls dance of Kunterbunt design , designed by Hamburger love

What To Wear For A Burns

As the eagle flies on food, so our time passes away

Ludwig said German

(. Picture: Ralf Lotys (safety) / wiki)

The great Prussian reformer Friedrich Wilhelm I (1688-1740) by the Huguenot Marthe de Montbail, later Madame de Roucoulle as a governess was managed, the later his son Frederick brought up and learned of her life no German. Friedrich Wilhelm learned a little German, but he did not come very far with it. His conceited son of Frederick II, the so-called "Great" and leaned in principle from German as "barbaric" that he spoke only with his dogs and horses.

Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen (1579-1650) was the French fashion something silly and founded by Kaspar von Teutleben Marshal and the lawyer and author Philip Harsdorffer (1607-1650) the fruitful SOCIETY (1617) for the development and maintenance of the German language. He was encouraged in Florence, where he became a member of the Accademia della Crusca. This language company was founded in 1583, it still exists today (
We still live off of the initiatives that time, the German has spread to Germany and improved.

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Gelsenkirchen - 06:03:11
No cuts PRO NRW -
Open Air Conference

No cuts the Nazis - First Anti-Fascist Open Air Conference in Gelsenkirchen against the New Year Reception PRO NRW

Under the slogan "No cuts to the Nazis' organized the SJD - Die Falken in cooperation with the Anti-Fascist Youth Coordination Gelsenkirchen (AJK) on 13/03/2011 from 11.30 clock on the Buescher-Josef-Platz an "Open Air Conference". Three short courses on the agenda:
  1. Current rights in NRW and Gelsenkirchen,
  2. "The axis of the blockades in Cologne and Dresden" and
  3. a Demo 1 × 1 To end
this with artistic impulses of the songwriter "Faulenza.
"It is unfortunately sad tradition that PRO active in Gelsenkirchen Horst Castle is undemocratic forces, which used the facilities of a democratic state." Said Paul, vice chairman of the SJD-Die Falken. "Nevertheless, we will not tire, each time a clear signal against stupidity and ignorance to translated. This year we want PRO Gelsenkirchen do no favors to upgrade their reception, but used the day to provide anti-fascist and democratic education. Whether Kevin G. Hauer and his companions in the castle sits
or not, is this time for the success of our action does not matter. Therefore education makes Nazis simply unnecessary. "

Besides coffee and slices for those interested there will be a series of stalls where people pick up the additional information.

The SJD - Die Falken in cooperation with the AJK invite all democratic people to join this event. For members of Nazis and people who are right-wing organizations
, no place in the event.

Strip Kates Playground

Interim Report

Here's just all damn foggy, but what I really wanted to write:
58.4 are equal to 7.5 kg less. Boh I am sooooo happy that I like some old stuff from the basement was high and I have sorted out some. Hach so much skirts are now available again and dresses erst. Looking forward pass mega
apartment until noon
:-) Hope my Kofschmerzen sometimes slow, because I have since noon yesterday, but I know where it comes from. Grumpf

apartment is not for not.
No she was not badly affected but smaller than specified, even the kitchen was ok, but the view was stupid, in addition the landlord and Although I talked a lot, but they gave me to understand that I should look further, because there are indeed for work about 30 Min.Fahrt.
Well I just look on, is not bad, for it must also "click" to make the sight of the house :-)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Help Baby Cough Out Mucus

drawn up powerful

Where is because of her Hermes? And where does he want? Does he have the Frankish Sonnyboy accomplish something?
Maybe: The Divine draws us up into light and glory, it raises the faithful not to the dust, as in Islam.
(. Picture: Tiepolo ceiling fresco in the residence of the Frankish prince bishop; Welleschik / wiki)

"Mount Olympus and the continents" is titled the huge ceiling-image that was created by the Venetians in 1751-53 Würzburg . That does not sound very Christian and does not look that way.
If it were not for the bishop Testament motifs have been more appropriate?
Man was not so fussy, one was under the motto "In my Father's house are many rooms," and I am counting on the good side of Christianity. In addition, falls on that "pagan" ancient motifs for both the painter and for the Prince Bishop are as common as Christian, ancient and Christian imagery permeated each other in the pan-European Catholic public. The Renaissance had made it. The architecture of the residence points beyond Franken and Germany, to Versailles, the magnificent architectural model. Would fit the famed Venetian Tiepolo, who actually did not work outside Italy, but did commit the money of the Franks and the size of the task. Should we blame it to the Catholic bishop that he the money of his subjects in this magnificent building put up impressive today? To the north of the Calvinist
invested behaved Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia about the same time not in baroque splendor, but in agriculture, military, administration, law and education domain. Above all, he saved, mainly wars. Say Solomonic, had both a privilege that has a significant but probably more.

And today may be "Mount Olympus and the continents" as a very cheap purchase reproduction, yes, there is almost nothing the whole Tiepolo. The times have improved.

Little Famale Niples Piersing

Playful Double Decker Bag

After the Owls Fabric once cut had, I immediately moved on. This time I

I took it as a raw material and it combines with the paulapue Fliepi-dotted fabric and turquoise fabric.

The second page I could not slow down so completely and had plenty of lace sewn on.

has of course the bag again a matching trailer.

And an interior pocket.

Here you can see the bag again as a whole. The belt has also received a tip.

The bag goes into my shop .

EBook: Urshult of Gitta Gabriel

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Dortmund / Bochum - 05:03:11
NPD differs to Bochum from

About 50 antifascists today were calling the anti-fascist alliance Dortmund (DAB) followed and had been around Catherine's Stairs gathered to disrupt an announced rally in Dortmund NPD. The neo-Nazi party was for now a rally of 14 bis 18 clock above the Katahrinentreppen under the motto "cost us millions of strangers billion!" Pending. The neo-Nazis, according to the Application of about 50 Teilnehmer_innen were out were, but did not look in Dortmund, but departed earlier on the day of to Bochum.
NPD at the main station in Bochum
was confirmed by officials of the Dortmund state protection, Matthias Wächter and Timo Pradel, the rally had been in Dortmund Thursday again logged out. The DAB and other anti-fascist groups in Dortmund had previously called for protests against the NPD.

While the NPD in Dortmund and especially Asylbewerber_innen and wanted to rush migrants, she chose a mosque in Bochum as a target of their hostility. With posters from the last election about 20 Anhänger_innen the neo-Nazi party posed at the central station and demanded a ban on minarets in Germany.

Sonja Brünzels, spokeswoman for the DAB, "We are pleased that it is sufficient, at least in Dortmund to announce protest against the NPD in order to move to change their plans. We thank all who came and stayed, despite unclear information until it was clear that the Nazis are no longer to Dortmund "

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brownies Try-it My Body

auction and invoice

So the first auction to end and you will not believe it but it was worth it.
The Pink walks away with 11 CHF and the other with 27 CHF. Is that crazy, or crazy?!
So, my little figures are still running and if we have people that I share with my colleague, because she has given me some of them. And if only it 1CHF are a piece, I have pleasure in it ;-)

course songwriter with me but not so that I now could save the money since I got the eye doctor's bill. 168 CHF ridiculous.
Naaa, is not it wa? Hihi
No, seriously, I'm expected to have increased since emergency surgery. Then I can go to normal but Irgenwann Augendoc trauen.Erstmal but my car has to be checked, again costs. Well yes I habs. Hahahahahahahahaha what a joke
Otherwise I have nothing new, because Tomorrow we are working again, so I can relax and look forward to on Sunday, housing ansehen.Bin excited!!
Today I was extremely stressed by the way, but why can not I'd say even sagen.Habe Xanax taken because I was so overwhelming Felt anger, but honestly it has helped not really matter ... am at home and had just NEN strange day I had a wonderful coffee Benedet, look here to find everything from sniffing and then gehjts kja back to bed and tomorrow again to Sport.Nur endurance, after today I could only force because of lack of time ... Have so much going on this morning until I geschlust bin.Grins
Beautiful We

you all the way, I get here soon plaque, I draw from either , Rotary,
or I will donate a new bed. The POPPEN
under me again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the old man always needs as long as she bit ready. Lol ...
Good I go to work immediately, because otherwise make against sies 3h ;-))))

How To Use A Ipod As A Microphone With Ps3

Oh joy and bliss - midday sun!

Südzuwendung - the temperature drops at night yet to -2 ° C, at noon, rising to 8 ° C - in the March sun is warm

-airport stop
Albanian Islamist, living Frankfurt, killing two Americans in the head shot and injured two others seriously
"The attack at Frankfurt airport was a real execution. Arid U. killed the American soldiers with head shots. This was reported by the Deputy General Prosecutor Rainer Griesbaum. He now asks to fight Islamist propaganda on the Internet stronger. "FAZ 4.3.11
the Internet? Why not in the mosques? Why not by the Justice Department, which would call for: the glorification of violence Religions a chance!

And why not by a very restrictive immigration policy and abolition of the automatic right to asylum from the Basic Law, the preachers of hate like Khomeini and the "Caliph of Cologne", Metin Kaplan rejects, rather than to support them with social assistance in their Haßarbeit? By leaving
Guttenberg is Friedrich new interior minister, that Hans-Peter Friedrich, who had criticized the President Wulff for his absurd statement that Islam is a part of Germany. At that time, Friedrich had said: "The fact that Islam is part of our culture, I will not sign." Frederick also said: "To me be clear: The dominant culture in Germany is the Judeo-Christian-Western culture. It is not Islamic, and will be, not in the future. "
can can hear that. However, should you still mention that it was the Greek philosophy that has already influenced the late texts of Judaism (book Ecclesiastes), and then more to Christianity. It is crucial also was the Enlightenment, which relates directly to ancient Greece and allowed the atheism and the pluralist state. Also, science and technology that created today's unique wealth of the West are rooted in the Greco-Roman antiquity.
Briefly, one can formulate that the Greco-Roman Ancient arise dialectically with Christianity in Europe individualistic culture have shaped and its prosperity could.

(See Article Prof. Schachtschneider:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Curser Will Not Move Toshiba Laptop


There is really nothing to berichten.Meine eyes are still pretty red to work, I go
continues to work diligently sporten
and Sunday Entspannungstag.Endlich.
could go to the carnival, but not fancy.
ravioli asked whether I go with him. Nope, i nit mog ...
what else is? Brooding? Hmmm ......... still pondering .... oh yes have written just a brilliant NEN landlord apartment.
2 rooms with 76 m2 living space, about 8 m2 garden room and new kitchen and bathroom. That's it. Then I would wait and smooth 2 Rentals zahlen.Hihi
Well and drink coffee ;-)

Yikes since grad, the phone rang and hey presto I can look Sunday at 14h the good part. Boh hopefully then, three months had time because I do without Einzug.Da on Berlin.Hihi

highlight of the day? My closing time at 18:30
2.Highlight? Soon to bed and cuddle schlaaaaaaaaaaaaafen
Best Highlight: 21: 48 call from the landlord of the apartment great ;-)

Loose Stool After Breakfast

's Must be something less?

Since no radiation Stars:
Bulky EU-black body, staggering

- "The House of the Strasbourg court defies.
The House of Commons, the court order from Strasbourg to grant British prisoners the right to vote back. ... "NZZ 12.2.11 The non-partisan initiative
got 234 votes to 22. A British prisoner had complained to the European Court of Human Rights. Is voting a right that criminals deserve? Of course not. Those who violate the law loses, reasonably enough, so his vote. In particular, if the national parliament which decides Sun The EU court presents itself as an ideological organ of the Rechtsverunklarung and should be abolished.

- Between men and women, only a small difference announced the radical feminism of the Black & Kumpaninnen. Small differences may exist in the 8 years longer life expectancy and the doctor visit addiction of many women, lower in the car accident. The
may not be reflected in insurance rates, particularly the European Court. Here too there is the ideological line, and here must be a dismantling.

- E10 is stopped because of the refusal of acceptance by the drivers of mineral oil dressing first. This has now been withdrawn, ostensibly because of a protest of environmental damagers Röttgen .-
gasoline with 10% alcohol to the EU drivers fill up - so-called E10 - and should that be enforced with perfidious coercive methods, the EU Commission has decided, because to a climate of superstition has expired. Many older cars can not tolerate the poorer fuel. Again, the suggestion is for, so that one can only conclude: The EU must do more and more rights usurped again be taken.

Women Xxl In Girdles Vids

And another euliges Jean Dress

But that is only once the last :-)

The dress in size 110 / 116, there are soon at Hoppilu .

pattern: Marieke of farbenmix
Embroidery: Owls dance of Kunterbunt design , designed by Hamburger love

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friend Jokes Animated


Today I mal ne new resident indulgence. can
Let's see how long I keep them alive, but I promise I'll try.
people, the sun seems so beautiful and this gives photographers Hostile Wind.
Yesssss, I hate wind more than rain! Grrrrr
Okay, now the sun shines now no more, it is more likely to me today ;-)

Have bought new earphones because my cable was in the NEN loose connection, which is really annoying in sports when you move.
And as is so personal to Mrs chaos, it said 9.95 on the sign on the shelf and at the box office was 14.95. Funny, is. Well nothing new.
The other colors were priced out with 14.95, but not mine. Had me on the shelf already gewundert.An the fund has, however, I was ignoriert.Da the listeners skillfully but especially for I-Pod are the price is quite ok, so I am indeed frustrated but then went meekly.

Then you can still press my fingers crossed that my account is somewhat crowded.
These funny things ...

.... it is with us every purchase from 20CHF it. Wednesdays, there are still 60 CHF etxtzra Joker. Well and I have collected these things for a girlfriend, but not at the gathering. Now I have looked at an Ebay-like provider if it is worth the stop and oops. Alone for so nen Joker gabs with the other around 20 CHF. Is not it bad so I have all snapped and set. Joker 48 STD and the other to Sunday. Although no series have started together but many good and I think Nanos, yes, so hot die.Nano Mania is called Ganze.HIhi
know the business even as they increase their sales. Always nice to children ansprechen.Hehe
Let's see if I also some "cheese medallions" (thanks Rolf for the word) get

Niñasfollando En El Autobus

The stamp mania

As we recently times all sorts of new and old die tried have Lisa and I came up with the idea that we could indeed craft our own mark. I've got two blocks from the old building brick-box, plus a bit of foam rubber and two shears. The

has made us so much fun that Lisa has tinkered on Saturday with their girlfriends very many punches. This will be really great, Ulf has a thick sawn logs into slices. I worried plenty foam rubber. Also, I now had a reason to finally afford the great fabric stamp pad.

I sewed for the girls or small purses, so that they can also try out the stamp.

It really cool things are the result. Toll I found that the girls have also exchanged the stamps themselves.

we were totally impressed by all the horse and the horse's head, which had cut a girl. Try this out again. It's really hard.

The whole thing was enormous fun. It will certainly not have been our last stamp.

Pokemon Heartgold Full English

Windy matter

Graphics: Wolfgang Dinstuhl / BLS

Easter surprise for Northern Germany?

"network congestion: The Trigger

comes from Winand Peter Dorff
February 28, 2011 FAZ Soon Easter This is one of those damn holidays faced Neldner is afraid because when Easter Sunday will be windy and warm... threatens the collapse of the Power supply in East Germany. The protection of the power supply is Neldner job. He is technical director of a company called 50Hertz transmission, only known by the initiated. Their popularity could grow but suddenly when the lights go out over a large area. Then people would quickly learn that the 50Hertz Transmissions GmbH manages the high voltage grid, on which East Germany in Hamburg and 18 million people, countless factories, offices, agencies - and hang the federal government. ... "

Plans For 30' Lobsterboat


Yesterday I was in negotiation with the regional manager and my boss for more pay.
Since the RVL so must give reasons why I pay more I should have given him my word that I still nen WRITING while staying with the company.
Hmm, difficult, especially when you hear the amount by which it is.
He shall create the first so my work is very good, and I have told Fresh dirty I see it as a justification and I know that my work is good!
So, now we're talking over 37 CHF, no I did not forget to zero, therefore, I said clearly:
"For 37 CHF, I will commit myself not safe to stay here for some time, because if tomorrow someone comes with a super offer I could not be accessed stupid! "
He digs deeper still.

This is an open door.
I could make a six-Ausbidung to Department management or even negative training as a branch line.
Branch Manager I refused, because I'd have to commit two years and in this business, it would mean a lot of unpaid overtime arbeiten.Nein Thank you!
Department management ould not so bad, but I think I would have to agree there too and I would continue that RVL's face. Grrrr, now I am mysterious.
I'm not the one that says what others have to do it cause I prefer to do themselves.
I'm honest I believe in myself not the other way I could compete with me so precious as better off. Man, one goes back and forth as around in my head.
As Springer would be what free, but would not I trust my RVL because often times I open my mouth. Tztztz

Yesterday I took part in this RTL2 writing test.
people I was so bad.
there in my grammar No longer at the head and write, well, I have words changed to correct false and only get ne third I had ne good one in the school. help, what can you but after the computer age ... My eyes see

Heue normal again, it was about time.

How else is it me? In 1.5 months I'm in Berlin, which is my next destination of the year. Also, I was now full of fear on the balance and she showed me at 59.5. I'm after these 2 binge eating very happy about it. Now I can continue to reduce the number arbeiten.Puh :-)

Birthday Poems Asking For Money As A Gift

Duisburg -. 2:03:11
election at Pro-NRW

took place in Duisburg on Wednesday in a general assembly of Pro-NRW, to elect a new District Executive. The former group chairman, study director Erich aD Christ, opened the meeting.
The new circuit board - young and dynamic was
from the State Executive Committee to lead Andre Hüsgen to Duisburg sent there by the Assembly. This may have many years experience in the Republican Party and, until recently at the NPD sammln. Other guests were Mrs. Claudia Gehring from Wuppertal and as Vetreterin youth PRO-NRW Mia Gehring.

The new county chairman of the 57 year-old Peter Gessner and was elected as his deputy Thorsten Contin. Contini is also responsible also for the new website of Pro-NRW in Duisburg. Next were the board as treasurer and Christian Erich Wolfgang bite Ling elected as secretary. As assessors were Ingemillem Helga and Klaus elected to go, took over the post of Finanzprüferinen Elke Obergefell and Elizabeth Christian.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pain In Right Leg From Thigh

least 3 weeks out of the house knew it already

Erdogan the Gaddafi in Tripoli receives award - last year he was called up in Cologne a Turkish major event "assimilation is a crime against humanity"


- The award winner was there. in Dusseldorf. The winner of the International al-Gaddafi Award for Human Rights, whose motto is: "Just as the sun shines for all, freedom is a right for all." Gaddafi must know. Erdogan and, of course. In December 2010 he was in Tripoli against the precious prize, received the previously men-friends of freedom and Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. (See In this series, the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is, in fact, he wants Turkey in the Islamic Stone Age, Atatürk back.

What made the Gaddafi Prize winners but on Sunday in Dusseldorf? Election campaign. He regards the nationalist Turks in Germany as his available assets. And he told them that they remain Turks and Turkish to learn first, then only German. Knowing that many Turkish children grow up in Germany in a pure Turkish language parallel society.
For example: "The matter will probably go out with Füsun worse. The little Turkish girl was already in a German course for nursery school children because of poor German language skills and was then postponed a year. ... When I asked at the beginning of the second school year the children for their best holiday experiences, Füsun said: You could say anything, they had never been outside. It was meant as they said. She had not left the house for weeks. Not even in the garden it was. ... "(Teacher consultation, FAZ 26.2.11)

Women's rights are in Islam and in Turkey, a particularly nasty chapter. In addition, however, are Kurds, Alevis, Christians and especially no rights and are harassed and persecuted. (See Kruger, with double standards, FAZ 1.3.11)
The day after his big anti-German language propaganda meeting, Chancellor Merkel is not the effrontery to open with the Islamists Erdogan CEBIT.
Worse Polenz, the time sponsored by Weizsacker, now the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, he supports the Gaddafi Prize Erdogan in his call on the German-Turks, to first learn Turkish, the acquisition of the native language facilitates second language acquisition.
children learn their first language completely intuitive - the specific intonation already prenatally, as tests showed, with French and German infants. The window of playful language acquisition in young children should definitely be used for the national language, with a certain voice talent provided a bilingual upbringing is possible (see also German Secular Turks decide not uncommon for the German alone, bring clarity into education. Where the confusion comes in the head of the CDU foreign politician Polenz? Should he not go to the SPD?
It's often strange what people in parliament to sit and be nourished by tax dollars.