Monday, January 31, 2011

Dying Brown Over Red Hair

Dortmund - 31.01.11
rights abuses and take graffiti not from

Last weekend there were new attacks by neo-Nazis allegedly left on alternative and young people at the city garden. At this point it occurred in the past repeatedly attacks mostly drunken neo-Nazis to people of all walks of life. On the night of 27.1., The International Day for Auschwitz and the victims of National Socialism, were at the city park and in particular at the site of the old synagogue increasingly sprayed swastikas and other right-wing icons. See also the report of the Anti-Fascist Youth Dortmund.

Such symbols from a day like 27.1. an extraordinary provocation dar. reason, and because the city of Dortmund is hard to doing right slogans and symbols to be removed from the city, this was taken over by dedicated young people. They were surprised by several neo-Nazis and threatened with knives. The ease with which the neo-Nazis carry weapons and use them well is frightening.

In the city of Dortmund - led by the CDU / FDP - is currently the other hand, rushed to vulnerable people in the northern city of Dortmund, where a dominant language, which suggests a cynical world view. Would the city of Dortmund finally realize that not terrorize "inhuman marginalized" (Original Sound CDU / FDP) from a deprived the city of Dortmund, but neo-Nazis, it would be possible, effective and sustained action against neo-Nazis. But the "democratic" parties to use their position in the city and the Council of the City of Dortmund to operate openly racist and inhuman propaganda.

"It's scary, with what self-evident democratic parties in Dortmund despicable comments to make and do not strike at it in protest. At the same time neo-Nazis to Dortmund in some of memories of the crimes of the Nazi disgrace. It is the involvement of young people thanks to them that this Nazi propaganda was quickly removed from the city! "Said Hannah Laura Piehl, Press Officer the Dortmund-Antifa Bündisses (DAB).
Source: Press release of the anti-fascist alliance of 31 Dortmund 01:11


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