Monday, January 31, 2011

Outboardmotor Comparison

I've fiddled

And although in a bag.

This is the first attempt:

The purse has on one side of a cell phone pouch.

On the other hand, a compartment for tissues.

The large interior can make money, pens, small stuff, or what reintun whatsoever.


  • the cell phone pouch has become a bit tight.
  • fit into the pocket handkerchief only two handkerchiefs.
  • go on the zipper in the wrong direction.
  • is sewn into the hanger plenty wrong.
  • it has become abundantly thick.

But now I had it packed ambition:


  • is the cell phone pouch big enough.
  • opens the zipper in the right direction.
  • the trailer is just sewn on.
  • the bag is made thinner.
  • fit into the pocket handkerchiefs more than 2 handkerchiefs.
  • is the interior compartment lined still.

The sample bag I will keep to myself.

Flora Fox's pocket is wasted.

The pouch is then next to Lisa.

Dying Brown Over Red Hair

Dortmund - 31.01.11
rights abuses and take graffiti not from

Last weekend there were new attacks by neo-Nazis allegedly left on alternative and young people at the city garden. At this point it occurred in the past repeatedly attacks mostly drunken neo-Nazis to people of all walks of life. On the night of 27.1., The International Day for Auschwitz and the victims of National Socialism, were at the city park and in particular at the site of the old synagogue increasingly sprayed swastikas and other right-wing icons. See also the report of the Anti-Fascist Youth Dortmund.

Such symbols from a day like 27.1. an extraordinary provocation dar. reason, and because the city of Dortmund is hard to doing right slogans and symbols to be removed from the city, this was taken over by dedicated young people. They were surprised by several neo-Nazis and threatened with knives. The ease with which the neo-Nazis carry weapons and use them well is frightening.

In the city of Dortmund - led by the CDU / FDP - is currently the other hand, rushed to vulnerable people in the northern city of Dortmund, where a dominant language, which suggests a cynical world view. Would the city of Dortmund finally realize that not terrorize "inhuman marginalized" (Original Sound CDU / FDP) from a deprived the city of Dortmund, but neo-Nazis, it would be possible, effective and sustained action against neo-Nazis. But the "democratic" parties to use their position in the city and the Council of the City of Dortmund to operate openly racist and inhuman propaganda.

"It's scary, with what self-evident democratic parties in Dortmund despicable comments to make and do not strike at it in protest. At the same time neo-Nazis to Dortmund in some of memories of the crimes of the Nazi disgrace. It is the involvement of young people thanks to them that this Nazi propaganda was quickly removed from the city! "Said Hannah Laura Piehl, Press Officer the Dortmund-Antifa Bündisses (DAB).
Source: Press release of the anti-fascist alliance of 31 Dortmund 01:11

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kiddie Smoke Detector Goes Bad

Bochum - 30.01.11
prosecutor withdraws Revision:
no fifth cake process


The acquittal in the cake process is final. The prosecutors in Bochum has withdrawn its appeal against the ruling by the district court. These explain the plenum and the Bochum Bochum Peace Alliance against the Right: Infinitely long it took for the Bochum prosecutor the realization that her own plea for acquittal was properly in the first round before the district court. During the subsequent passage through the courts to the Higher Regional Court rejected the District Court and finally to the district court, they gave the impression that she wanted to criminalize make or break resistance against Nazi incitement to racist neo-Nazis undisturbed keep the streets of our city open. To deter would-bo, the responsible editor of convicted, the prosecutor called least in the district court. Fear of punishment to discourage democratic citizens thereof to face Nazi demonstration. We will continue to do so fearlessly, as well as thousands 19 February in Dresden will oppose the Nazis. After successfully blocking a year ago, running there now numerous criminal to intimidate protesters. These procedures must be immediately stopped.
The Bochum Peace House and the Bochum alliance against the right to appeal to the Bochum Justice, now the prosecution of young anti-fascists to end, in March last year, a Bochum mosque against the fundamental rights hostile attacks by a pro - protect demonstration - NRW wanted and it came in an escalating police operation. After being used for religious freedom of a mosque community, they must now criminal set due to resistance and rioting. Anyone looking at the pictures of the confrontation between demonstrators and police forces will meet with terrifying power of the state and the powerlessness of young people who argue for a fundamental right of their fellow citizens. But they should not be punished. We demand immediate end to the practice against them.
Source: bo-alternatively, 30.01.11

How To Make 20 Mm Sodium Phosphate Ph 7

If you've started again ...

... then you get no end.

So I have a second immediately afterwards sewed dresses :-)

The dress in size 86/92 There is soon to Hoppilu .

pattern: Marieke of farbenmix
Embroidery: Pütierchen of Huups! , designed by paulapue

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re Registering A Car From Ireland

time again what sewn

The Pütierchen leave me so easily ignore. I find that they fit quite nicely with the beautiful corduroy of Westfalenstoffe .

And so I sewed a very simple dress of the great materials with the cute little bird.

Actually, I wanted a swing colored ribbons to sew, but after I hung up the rickrack times for testing purposes, I found that's enough.

back got the dress a small loop with hearts button. There

The dress in size 98 / 104 will be available soon at Hoppilu .

pattern: Marieke of farbenmix
Embroidery: Pütierchen of Huups! , designed by paulapue

Friday, January 28, 2011

Formal Invite For A Anniversary Death

Bochum - 27.01.11
Holocaust remembrance:
reminder evening for Nazi victims

to a touching Evening came the musical and literary memory of the Holocaust victims on the day of the liberation of Auschwitz in the nearly packed Christ Church.

"Do not clap," asked Rev. Thomas Wessel. On Thursday, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz, he would not qualify the Memory of the Victims of National Socialism with vile hands stirring. Then he welcomed present for survivors of the concentration camp at Christ Church. It should be a rebel evening, with intense lyrics and accompanied by Kroke, which moved with their klezmer music to the public.

Haunting directly

It began with words - Joanna Stanecka and Frank Wicker Man Kosmopol club read of "the other thank you" by Charlotte Delbo. Forcefully and directly led to the almost full church on the subject: the concentration camp. According dramatically when the first title of Kroke: with pounding bass and tortured singing violin. The direct acoustic transferred every knock on the instrument body and the clicking of keys on Jerzy Bawol accordion. The more immediate than was the mood of the music from the stage into the audience. For not long Bawol, Tomasz Kurkuba remained on fiddle and Tomasz Lato on bass at a pace. Quick as lightning broke up the pounding beat in spherical melodies only the next moment the issue back to vary different.

The "Jewish soul" was sung Interrupted

the otherwise almost seamless playing of the trio of the readings. The audible accent Joanna Stanecka let the lyrics sound even harder, which reported on life in concentration camps and the "Jewish soul" sang.

The three musicians took to the moods of the poems and intensified them on a emotional roller coaster. Since Kurkuba sang a high, plaintive voice, and the next moment his voice was replaced by a sleazy dance song. Between them remained Place for long, somewhat effective overloaded violin solos. Rather it was the short interludes, the Kurkubas showed true skill. Especially in the emotional interaction showed the formation of their strengths. Kurkubas voice surprised by intensity - with strategically placed wordless vocals, he enriched the music as an "instrument". Be creative geschnalzter use the famous "Time" was.

"There are good days"

was something strange silence in the pauses. Clearly much it difficult for many in the audience not to applaud. Holten one hand, the poems on the hard pews back, Kroke kidnapped with their sad melodies every listener in the very own world of thoughts. A strange but successful combination, which would certainly have led to outbreaks of enthusiasm would be the subject not so serious.

Last las Stanecka "There are good days" of Kazimierz Dabrowski same time as an introduction to Kroke's last play. Maybe it was the title of the poem - as the last note died away was there was no stopping how to free burst of enthusiasm. A fitting end to a thoroughly enjoyable memorial concert.
Source: The West, 28.01.11

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sample For 2nd Anniversary Letter To Someone

Essen - 27.01.11
commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz

"Achenbach was responsible for" Jewish question "and for the deportation of Jews from France"

On 27 January 2011 thought the VVN-BdA eating the victims of fascism and called for "Who remembers the victims, must also identify the perpetrators." Here, in front of the FDP headquarters eating a memorial plaque was erected by the complicity of Dr. Ernst Achenbach, a long-FDP official from food, logged in the crimes of National Socialism. We document here the question of Alice Czyborra, VVN BdA food, and the call to the event.

Mario Salieri Strreaming

Gelsenkirchen - 27.01.11
witness from Marl says to the Holocaust memorial day to students in Gelsenkirchen

to Holocaust Abrahamson told Memorial Rolf students of the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium Gelsenkirchen by his relocation to the ghetto in Riga, and his return to Germany. The 85-year-old has survived seven concentration camps.

hang on his every word. From the lower school listen to Level 13 students in the auditorium of the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium banned the words of the 85-year-old Marler, who sits on the front of the stage and told. And that is anything but a fairy tale hour. Rolf Abraham's son reported his life. Abraham's son is a Jew in Nazi Germany and has seven concentration camps survived.

Here no one whispers, giggles, here no one here bothers no one. Each Jack rustling is perceived as a nuisance. What tells Abraham's son Rolf is exciting, exciting, incredible - and unfortunately true. Now and then provokes the senior Lacher done, it was difficult about the word "email". This relaxes the tension in a room little. But it remains silent.

SS father beat down

The Jew tells the story of Kristallnacht on 9 November 1938, in his family home was set on fire in Marl and instead of marching out of the fire, the SS, the niederknüppelte his father. Since he was 13 years old.

He tells of the deportation to the wild-breaking space in Gelsenkirchen, where the road led for 506 Jews from the Präsidialbezirk Recklinghausen to the ghetto in Riga. Until that day, exactly three years before the liberation of Auschwitz, on 27 January 1942, he had lived in Recklinghausen. Marl was now "free of Jews".

"On the train heading east, it was hot during the day. And freezing cold at night - fortunately. We were able to lick the frozen water from the windows, so we do not die of thirst altogether. "For eight days the drive took to Latvia. Abraham's son was 14 years old. And his odyssey through the German Reich was only just beginning. The Buchenwald, Theresienstadt and others were still to come.

past toll on the forces of the 85-year-old

the end of the club Gelsenkirchen center initiated event the 85-year-old who now lives in Marl fails, the voice, "Now I have spoken to you . But once year's is also sufficient. This is exhausting. "In the auditorium it is even quieter.

Rolf Before Abraham's son is adopted, to applause, he faces up to the few questions of the 200 students. "How was it for you to stay after the war here in Germany?" Asks a student. After the war, the Jew was to Recklinghausen, later returned to Marl. Originally he had wanted to emigrate, but got the necessary papers until 1950 - because he had already built up an existence. And stayed. "All I can remember, and this is the worst in history."
Source: The West, 27.01.11

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blue Print Of Beauty Salon

cooling pack

When Lisa took the last time a cold-pack, I was once again unnerved by the "Towel wrapped around it." I have asked myself why I am still not come up with the idea to sew a casing for cooling packs.

I have talked about it with a friend who told me that in their cold-pack it was a shell. This was, however, from a not so nice material.

Because I am quite fond of the Pütierchen am, I made two Pütierchen cooling pack covers:

number 1 for a small cooling pads:

And number two for an elongated cooling pads:

Apart from the fact that they have become a little bit too far, I was very pleased.

Since I needed the weekend for a souvenir, I then immediately another one sewn (now in the perfect size):

It was also good and is now waiting in the freezer at first use :-)

Embroidery: Pütierchen of Huups! , designed by paulapue , Swedish tablecloth from Kunterbunt design, designed by Gretelies

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Complex Partial Seizuresdogsprognosis

King impulse in January 2011

royal impulse in January
A manual for leaders and people who want to develop. The impulse to serve the king of inspiration, the pause and stay tuned.

Today, I am simply and congratulate me on the spot landing: year!
The new homepage ( ) is on the net! After a professional dry spell last spring filled me with new tasks. Many clients now shouldering their lives themselves, the children are on their way! The cooperation with Klaus Sage from Austria with fresh fruit (and There, some of my dates are already running (Thanks to Austria)! Many reasons to celebrate. What a joy.
Now in the last days of 2010, I lean back and relax. What should be done, I have done, now I can run it, makes life for themselves
composure and confidence to meet me.
"Mach's simple: Reduce the essentials "- my motto for the last two years!. In my professional practice as well as in my private life, this call has been proven.
Not everyone who reads or hears the phrase goes, like the double message that is mentioned in the words: "Just do it" within the meaning of it, peptide complex on reduce the essentials. And "Just do it!" Within the meaning of "fish on!"
I welcome if you look around at my new site. Which aspect is Her? How you look on it? With the eagle eye? With the buffalo glance? With the heart? The customer view?
§ you sometimes lose track of them? I like to sort with you and help you return to the eagle eye (more on the website ).
§ If you "just do it!" With the emphasis "Make" to create, has already emerged with you a target, often lacking only the start pulse (see on- www.gunter in power of the buffalo).
§ you know what you want to change. If you want to pause again and play through the approach, with joy I take time to talk. We find the path that suits you.

went to monthly letters from the past year, there is often a matter of how well the flow of life moves.
Remember the January -letter? I will put his heart, and grateful to be open for what the grab bag of life is for you.
eyes on it said in February : is 's own perspective, only one of many possible. New perspectives open up new possibilities for action.
spring fever in March : mindful perceive the beauty in everyday life and bring joy-giving specific situations.
new ground in April : Behavior They already like you were the lucky person who want to be.
is about the magic of the language May - and June Letters: Words can smile and jump for joy. By choosing the right words, you agree themselves and one another, with linguistic Dieterich, you can open locked doors.
Constant practice makes perfect: In July it was about how it is possible to adopt new habits.
daydreams in August : The need to make beautiful images of the inner and the opportunities this reality.
Thanksgiving in September : Life is hard - even after the holiday to take time for beauty.
Let's go west in October : A trip to the U.S. inspired to take into account the service ideas in business even more strongly.
spells November : Select as words - an excerpt from the list of King's magic words.
pause in December : Jumping out of the rat race and see what course must be set again. If you read the
print newsletter once or collected want to find them is to (Service section).
The King momentum of last year, are intended to serve, to vote themselves happy and confident - a prerequisite to success. Next year I want to give suggestions to improve your strategies and techniques.
Are there aspects that you are curious? Write to me - like I take up your questions.
I look forward to your response.
for the new year I wish you much joy.
Greet it and make it with confidence.
your Gunter King

Event Tent Alternative

royal impulse in December 2010 as

royal impulse in December
A manual for leaders and people who want to develop. The impulse to serve the king of inspiration, the pause and stay tuned.

is everywhere these days, a jingle and tinkle. "Oh ' Minors sounds "'s shopping.
But many of my clients is this Klimbim on the mind. usually for two reasons: First, it sucks to be right, that the Christmas season has become a predominantly commercial event, a hectic hustle and bustle. There is no time to think, which means preparing for the return of light to their own lives. is
During the icy cold in nature, is the time to listen to himself. cut fruit growers, the trees - which costs only force is cut off. He determines what to grow and fruit to carry on when it's summer. What do you cut in your life?
The second reason why many are irritated these days is related to the agitation and the growing demands of the workplace. There are piling up the requests of customers who can not: For months they have joyfully given unlimited power still more. Some think they can not change the situation. They think, "This is just so with a little more commitment to get better even keel."
morning start earlier, at noon through work, work at night to fall asleep on the sofa. Always proactive, creative and always on the move. Some people ignore their sleep to see over the fact that they have no contact with friends. Are you excited, sometimes pugnacious, sometimes resigned.
is Speaking themselves out frequently that they are faced with impossible tasks, that they put in quandaries. Where to turn also, they are caught. Scientific studies have shown: If you put rats before insoluble problems, they go crazy. My experience has shown me that people can stand very long in intractable situations. But they are the months until crumbly, then sick.
Sure, some is released through the sitting trot. Much worse. In coaching, we look at the situation closely, separate what is unalterable by what can be changed. often succeed merely because a change in perspective and my call is to act.
coaching leads quickly to a good solution to the conflict.
If you feel trapped and driven and no way see get out - just a phone call. I am happy to take time for you to analyze the situation with you.
on and off for the enjoyment of life I suggest you bake cookies. Here my favorite pastries: cinnamon.

your beat Gunter King


3 egg whites very stiff. Stir in powdered sugar 250 gr under constant Continue stirring. About 6 tablespoons of the sugar and egg mass removed for subsequent coating and are cooled to the side. 2 tsp cinnamon and stir almonds 400 gr in the rest mass and are also cool (about 30 minutes).
Roll out the dough between plastic wrap portions, about 1 cm thick. Cut out stars with the molds and place on baking paper on baking sheet. Carefully with the cool coat protein mass.
leave overnight.
The next day, bake:
At 150 ° C top and bottom heat (120 ° C fan / gas mark 1) the first sheet 15 - Bake for 20 minutes - without pre-heating! The next sheets then need only 12 - 15 minutes.